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TVP Funding 

The Technology Voucher aims to subsidize local unlisted companies/institutions to use technology services and solutions to increase productivity or upgrade and transform business processes.


Since April 1, 2020, the government has further optimized the Technology Voucher Program, increasing the funding ratio of each approved project from two-thirds to three-quarters, and increasing the funding ceiling for each applicant from 400,000 upto 600,000HK$, and the upper limit of the number of approved projects has also been increased from four to six.


The Technology Voucher provides a maximum of HK$600,000 to each eligible applicant in a 3:1 matching model. Applicants must invest no less than one quarter of the total cost of the approved project in cash.


Each eligible applicant can be approved for a maximum of six projects, but the cumulative funding ceiling is HK$600,000. To ensure focusing on the implementation of the project, applicants are not allowed to undertake more than one TVP project at the same time. Expenditures under the approved TVP projects shall not be subsidized by other local sources of public funding.

Document required for TVP

• Copy of Business Registration Certificate, Business Registration Office Form 1(a) or Companies Registry (Form NAR1)

• Evidence of substantial business operations

• Copy of applicant's identity document

• A copy of the business registration certificate of the technology consultant

• A copy of the quotation

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